Stati Uniti – Jalapeno jelly of the Southwest U.S.

By | 30 Giugno 2003



– 1 tazza e 1/2 di peperoni verdi, finemente tritati, privati dei semi e dei filamenti – 1 tazza di jalapeno (peperoncini verdi piccanti), senza semi e filamenti – 6 tazze e mezzo di zucchero – 1 tazza e 1/2 di aceto di mele (per intuizione. Cider?) – 1/4 di cucchiaino da thè di colorante verde – 6 once di pectina (once liquide americane. Non so convertirle!)

Mescolare il peperone verde, i jalapenos, l’aceto e lo zucchero in una terrina. Portare a bollore. Aggiungere la pectina e portare di nuovo a bollore, mescolando in continuazione per un minuto. Togliere dal fuoco e lasciar riposare per un paio di minuti. Schiumare. Aggiungere il colorante fino a raggiungere il colore desiderato. Versare nei barattoli sterilizzati e sigillare.


This is a delightful and unusual jelly from the Southwest U.S. It has a taste that is both sweet and spicy hot. It is delicious eaten as a garnish on cream cheese with crackers, or on meats (lamb, pork, chicken, etc.). Enjoy it as a snack or with your favorite recipe.

Jalapeno Jelly of the Southwest U.S.

1 ½ cup finely chopped green peppers, seeds and stems removed- 1 cup finely chopped Jalapeno peppers (spicy hot as you like), seeds and stems removed- 6 ½ cups sugar- 1 ½ cups apple cider vinegar- ¼ teaspoon green food coloring- 6 ounces (177 ml) liquid fruit pectin

Mix the green peppers, the Jalapeno (spicy hot) peppers, apple cider vinegar and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to rolling boil. Add the liquid fruit pectin and bring again to a full, rolling boil, stirring constantly for one minute. Remove from heat and let stand for a couple of minutes. Then remove the foam from the top. Add the food coloring to achieve the desired color. Pour through a strainer into hot sterilized jelly jars and seal. Serve with meat or over cream cheese with crackers, or cheese of your choice.

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